Other Crap

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Crescent Fresh? But is it Friendly?

I need you to all look at this thing.

I know I am, as usual, late to the party and this thing has probably been floating around for the past million years, but I just saw it recently. Ergo, it is newly fascinating and should be to you, too.

A friend posted this on my Facebook page.


I simply can NOT stop watching this. 

My friend Rob says it's like a train wreck - that he can't look away. But I think it's much more than that. Much more devious. I think it's a mind trick that the Crescent Fresh creators are playing in order to access our internets and steal our banking information and Twitter passwords and skin samples. 

Cute sock puppets? Or the faces of Evil?

We're so mesmerized by the song that we don't notice that they are quietly hacking into our files and stealing our cyber souls. And it's not just while the song is playing.


This song will linger in your psyche for days and you'll be pretty much unable to do anything other than replay the video, sing the song to yourself (even on the toilet, dammit) and look at your friends with a critical, judgemental eye - are they crescent fresh? Are their whole lives a mess?

It's got to the point that I think I need an intervention. Is there a 12 step program to get off of Crescent Fresh? 

I mean, I've pretty much accepted that I am powerless in the face of the Crescent Fresh song.

But how to move on, and quickly, before this video ruins my relationships, my health, my life?


  1. I'm considering making this my new ringtone.

    1. Do you get a lot of phone calls? If so, make it your ring tome at your own peril.

      It IS pretty catchy, though. I think it could be the *new* wedding song, you know?

  2. I don't get it... maybe I'll just watch it again...

    1. You should probably watch it again. And again and again.
      Try to stop watching it.
      it's mesmerizing. Like a sunset.

  3. Catchy little song indeed. But I'm not hooked...
    Dntel is on at the moment (Stranger), saw the socks three times only

  4. Embrace the crescent fresh...

    1. It is STILL stuck in my head. Seriously, this is a plague.

  5. For what it's worth, Sifl & Olly were the brainchild of Liam Lynch (he of 'The United States Of Whatever' and director of the Tenacious D movie).

    1. Ah, interesting. I did not know this. Liam is very cres.

  6. Even better is the Laser Eyes song.

    I have fond memories of watching this show in college at like 1 in the morning. My bf was able to find the entire run via torrent (f* you, MTV, give us S3!), and we'll have Sifl & Olly marathons. :D

  7. Amanda you are tres tres cres. And fashionable!
