Other Crap

Monday 30 July 2012

One Year Samiversary

It's been one year since we brought home our little/huge dog Sam.

After 10 years of living with my dog Gracie (future blog about THAT upcoming) convinced me that life with a dog was really nothing but frustration and yelling.

Sam changed that. Sam is a labrador retriever, so that means he is nothing but a loving pile of fur who wants nothing more than to sleep, wag his tail and be interested in things. And destroy crap, but that's of no matter.

Here is a little photo journey of Sam's first year with us.

With us for just 30 minutes.

Ankle high

Good sit!

Home and sleepy

Father and Son

Day 2

ignore the wiener. 3 months

Four months old
Sam, mommy and the creepy toenail of fate.

My fave shot


Boys playing. 5 months, I think

6 months, "special" procedure.

6 months

apparently this is relaxing

Beach Walk

I'msis likes swimmings!

the goose died soon after this photo was taken. RIP, goose.


cutest pillow, ever!

He really wants to fit on the window seat.

Brother and Sister. There was no love between them

Sam's 1st birthday. I have other clothes besides pyjamas.  I just hardly ever wear them.
what Sam did to the couch
Pre-couch eating nap.

It's been a furry year, Sam. Here's to many more.



  1. Huge paws HE's gonna be awesome!!!1

    1. I'm really hoping he has stopped growing. He is epic.

  2. cannot ignore wiener.

    jules x

  3. I have always had trouble ignore weiner.

    And I love that fucking dog's face.

    1. Oh, you have GOT to know that I read your second sentence wrong.

      Or maybe I read it correctly.

      Oh, Mary Mary Mary....

  4. we came up from florida to see you guys at the infinity music hall in norfolk ct a few years back and then at the city winery in nyc ! i was the babbling idiot beside himself almost wetting his pants from the excitement of meeting you guys and almost passing out from Brad hugging me and getting pictures with yoy , oooh...and having our names said on stage , i almost needed to be hospitalized ! but we missed the chance to say hello at the city winery , we were talking with Michele and having the time of our lives , i felt like the nerd lucky enough to be sitting at the cool kids table , and before we knew the autograph line was gone and so were you . you guys are truly incredible ! we love your blogs and can't wait for the next show !......todd and colleen :)

  5. My parents have a dog named Sam. He's a mix (definitely part German Shepherd)...they got him as a puppy about 13 years ago when I still lived in Winnipeg. He's starting to slow down now, but since they got Maggie in March, he seems to have livened up a little.
