Other Crap

Friday 9 November 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

I go to this blog, Spabettie. She's nice. She's probably about half my age. The internet is half my age. 

I am getting the beginnings of weird turkey neck.

Anyway, she and some of her other super young and fabulous pals have this thing called "Fill in the Blank Friday" and I thought I'd do it because it's good to do things.

However, my phrase of the day is "I hate feeling feelings".

That doesn't really connect to FITBF, but whatevs, as the teens say.

So here we go:

1.  I LIKE: needlepoint, cats, making cookies, shopping, naps, my friends, reading, bread.

2.  A LIFE GOAL OF MINE IS: To learn to play the cello.

3.  THE LAST THING THAT YOU WOULD EXPECT ME TO LIKE (but I secretly do): This is a tough one because I pretty much tell the internet everything, so no surprises here, sorry. So I'll just say the show Castle. I freaking love the TV show Castle.

4.  SOME WISE WORDS I LOVE ARE: "You'll know what to do when the time comes". A nice way of saying "Stop worrying, already".

5.  MOST MORNINGS YOU WILL FIND ME: On the couch with my dog, having just spilled coffee and oatmeal all over myself. And not in a sexy way.

6.  RIGHT NOW I AM SUPER IN TO: being vegan, contemplating yoga.

7.  RIGHT NOW I AM SUPER OVER: Not having a vehicle. I'm getting old and schlepping groceries is boring.

Want to do your own Fill in the Blank Friday? Head on over to visit Lauren's blog, and check it out. 

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