Other Crap

Friday 14 December 2012

Christmas Cookies

I love making Christmas cookies. I love baking in general, but it seems like it's a legitimate undertaking during the Christmas holidays and not just some excuse to binge on sugar.

Like we ever need an excuse to do that, right.

Anyway, I was concerned that I wouldn't be able to find vegan recipes that would be able to replace my butter and egg laden usual suspects of the holidays, now that I am all vegan-y and angry.

But the internet is a friend. And a friend never lets you down. Thank you internet.

Here are some fabulous vegan cookies recipes that would be a welcome addition to any sweet tray, be you vegan or not.

I'll start with my favourite.

I love lemon. More than chocolate. I know.


Got the recipe from the Cutest Girl Ever over at C'est La Vegan. I topped mine with lemon zest to make it all pretty. These can serve as pallet cleansers between huge bites out of your annual 10 pound Toblerone bar.

2. My second favourite are these CHOCOLATE PEPPERMINT CRINKLES  from the friendly neighbourhood vegan lady over at The Sweet Life. 

Brian gave these twelve thumbs up.

3. Brian was not totally on board with these ORANGE CREAMSICLE COOKIES, but that could be mainly because he doesn't know anything. Sarah and I love these. As butter is kind of a key ingredient in shortbread, I was worried that these would be a mega fail because when you substitute butter for vegan margerine, well, there is a big chance of trouble. However, the orange flavour and crushed candy canes masked the taste of the vegan shortening, so I was not at all disappointed. Plus, you need something orange on your plate and carrots just won't do.

Recipe stolen brazenly from Kristina at Spabetty. Find the recipe HERE! HERE!

Although these would probably be my #1 favourite, RYAN'S GINGER COOKIES have to be a bit further down on the list. I've tried making these cookies twice and they've just not been as good as when Ryan makes them. He's kind of a God that way. I may try again, because if I can achieve the cookie Nirvana created by Ryan, I'll know I've lived a good and valuable life.

The original recipe he uses is from Isa Chandra Moskowitz's and Terry Hope Romero's Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar. Of course, Ryan being Ryan, he made some changes and the results (for him) were exceptional. Like, um, seriously. I can't reprint the recipe because it's not online, and only in a book, but you should totally get the book and make me cookies from the recipes found within. 

Grammar. I Love it.

Anyway, there are some of my cookie adventures so far this season. I'll probably do a few more, but who cares really. We need to focus on more important things like, what you should BUY ME!

Might I suggest this?

Go eat cookies.


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