Other Crap

Sunday 8 December 2013

Stuff And Such

Forgive me, Internet, for I have been lazy. It has been two months since my last blog.

I'd like to be able to tell you that my bloggish absence has been due to a round the world trip, or that I've adopted a baby and have been super busy wiping it's bum, or that I'm finishing up that novel I've been working on. None of the above.

Fact is, I am a lazy ass.

But I have been doing, I don't know, stuff, I guess.

So here's a quick run thru what I've been up to while you've all been super waiting time action party.

1. Took in a stray cat. Named him Wayne. Spent the equivalent of the GNP on fixing him up to make him presentable.

                             BEFORE: Infected eyes, super skinny, super bitey.


                                Scabby eyes,  swollen lip (someone is allergic     to fish. Really?).

Had to have his super impressive cat testicles removed. I'd never seen cat balls before. They're crazy!

                             Yes, those were cat balls at the beginning there. I know.

                             Now he's all perfect. Perfect eyes, normal mouth. Still bitey.

 He has a pink nose.

2. Did another walk for Farm Sanctuary. Again, my friends helped me to be the number one fund raiser for Toronto.

3. Continuing to volunteer for www.nutritionfacts.org. I have had to find a lot of images of turmeric. A lot. I'm thinking of suggesting to Dr. Greger (the guru of nutritionfacts.org) to change the name of his site to www.turmericfacts.org because there is a great deal of info on turmeric there. Apparently, it's good for you.

photo of turmeric by h-bomb/Flickr

4. Did a couch to 5k program to kick start myself back into running. Am currently running about 25-30 miles per week and feel so so so much better. I don't love running, but I love having finished running. My times are slower than they were a few years ago when I was running regularly. I'm saying it's due to aging. Right?

5. I continue to do laundry.

6. I have taken up eating mixed nuts. It's kind of a hobby, kind of a craft, you know. Just seeing where it takes me.

7.  I stubbed my toe really bad that time.

8. Discovered the joy of listening to podcasts while I run. These are some that I've listened to, and they really do make the time go faster.




9. I went for a latte with Ryan.

10. Just today I cleaned out my dishwasher's filter for the first time in 6.5 years. I think you're supposed to do it more often than that. It was basically a solid mass of goo made up of bits of paper, grape stems and apple stickers. I wish I'd taken a photo because it was really horrific and you probably want to see that, right? Sorry gang.

11. Have done some Christmas shopping. I'm sort of meh about Christmas these days. Once I see my mommy next week, though, all will be better.

I did some other stuff too.

But seriously, I have no idea what to blog about these days. So I give you scraps. So sorry. I love you. I love you like I loved that guy in the "67" t-shirt at Saints Roller Rink in Winnipeg, 1979 (Garden City Saints location). He never wanted to skate with me to "Sad Eyes". He had perfect hair. I think he smoked.

That is all.

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